Real Life Encounters First Network


Bond Fires: Friends First Network

Welcome: Bond Fires is the first friends first site that involves meeting folks in real life first.

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Bond Fires is a website that provides an opportunity to connect with folks that you meet in real life. It’s simple! All you need to do is generate a profile and customize content for a printable connection card that you can stash on you for those friendly real life encounters or crossing paths with folks that you may find mutual interest with.The idea behind Bond Fires was inspired from the plethora of internet dating sites built on instant gratification with the impulse flakiness of profile picture swiping. Bond Fires however, self moderates by only displaying ASCII art representations of images uploaded for profile and other image uploads to different areas of the user’s profile. ASCII art representation of profiles uploaded for example provides only an abstract impression of what the person looks like rather than providing the enablement of lust-seeking connections. When your child comes of age, his parents or siblings might ask How did you two you meet?, you will be able to tell them an interesting story of real serendipity, rather than the shameful way of the swipe-a-date method. It is my hope that this website inspires a new form of connectivity that is geared towards real soul and spirit matching that happens serendipitously in real life, thereby warranting meaningful and lasting connections.

Enjoy, Sincerely, Jason Page, Founder

Copyright 2017 / 2024, Page Telegram Services